Face Reading is a method of counselling that originated in India with the Vedas. In India, it evolved around 5000 years ago and is considered a super science whereas the origin of Chinese Face Reading & Feng-Shui was 3000-3500 years ago. It is a part of a vast field of study, referred to as Samudrik Shastra, which literally means the ocean of knowledge. Face Reading is a main section of this vast knowledge and deals specifically with the study of not only the Face, rather all the structure and all the body parts like The Hair, Head shape, Forehead, Eyes, Eyebrows, Temples, Ears, Nose, Philtrum, Lips, Mouth, Cheeks, Jaws, Chin, Limbs, Chest, Hips, Feet, the lines, color and shape therein.
The face reader has one advantage, is that the face of a person is a ready instrument for his work, whereas the masters of astrology only is dependent on accurate date, place and time of birth, and it’s very difficult in the most of the cases to ascertain.
As is well known that the twelve signs of the zodiac form the Divine Man in the heavens, of which each individual is an epitome both spiritually and physically. From the first sign Aries ruling the head, to the last sign Pisces ruling the feet, each part of the human body is ruled by a sign of the zodiac and a sign ruled by a planet, and from every body part you may know about your planets effect on your body.