

Vastu For Home

Vastu For Home

Vastu Shastra, "science" of construction", "architecture" is a traditional Hindu system of design based on 32 directional alignments. It is primarily applied in Hindu architecture, especially for Hindu temples, and in fact it gives a fair touch in every aspects of life on the earth as well as the universe. The basic theme remains a link that is ever-present between the man and cosmos. The word 'Vastu' was originated from the term 'VASTOSHPATI' which had its usage in the Rig Veda and is said to render happiness, prosperity and protection in life and after death too. However, Vastu Shastra truly conceives in the presence of Vastu Purush, who is considered the main deity of a building.


India is considered the mother of Vastu as the ancient saints have formulated various principles of it. It was written nearly thousand years ago where the sages kept in their minds the results of sunlight and energy and stabilizing all the nature's five elements in such a way to get the maximum advantage out of it. In India, it evolved around 5000 years ago and is considered a super science whereas the origin of Chinese Feng Shui was 3000-3500 years ago.

Vastu Shastra is a science of directions and is a study that acquires an entire command over the cognition of directions. In fact, there are actually eight directions namely, northeast, north, southeast, east, southwest, south, northwest and west. It is entirely an Indian science of architecture and space and how environments and spaces are created supporting the spiritual and physical prosperity and health. This had evolved in India during the Vedic times and the concepts of Vastu Shastra were transmitted to South East Asia, Tibet and ultimately to Japan and China where the developmental base of Feng-shui originated.
Vastu Shastra is a science of directions and is a study that acquires an entire command over the cognition of directions. In fact, Vastu means study of Objects, their orientation and how they affect their life. All planets are represented by varies objects in your house, factory, office or business, and even all directions represent different planets.  If any object is placed in a direction to which ii is not aligned, it may bring harm.
Vastu in a nutshell, is identifying such issues and correcting those. And only a person who understands both Vastu and Astrology and their effects, can assist you to accurately identify and rectify those problems.

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